Its a great amenity to have, we love it, were having a great time in the Ladies Club and you dont have to be a great player to enjoy it

LONGMEADOWS PITCH AND PUTT -?Affiliated to the Pitch & Putt Union of Ireland.
Affordable pitch and putt amenity for people of all ages in the wider Ballyfermot and surrounding areas.?The 10 acre facility in the heart of the community has already added its own unique environmental impact on the community. Our greens were designed and built to the U.S. PGA standards giving us a high quality playing surface.
Its a great amenity to have, we love it, were having a great time in the Ladies Club and you dont have to be a great player to enjoy it
Great for Ballyfermot, a splendid laid out pitch and putt course with magnificent greens, an amenity for young and old alike…
it is one of the best amenitys we have around in the Ballyfermot area…
“for the kids its great, they can pick up good habits here at Longmeadows, as opposed to the streets”